School groups and families have been coming to events at the Leonard’s Mills property for many years. After planning a static museum, early members decided to create a hands-on living history village on Blackman Stream. It was a great choice of location–at one time there were six sawmills operating on the stream. The village centered around the first project–the Water-Powered Sawmill. The Covered Bridge, Blacksmith Shop, Sawyer’s House and more structures followed during the 1980s and ’90s. Maintenance on those original buildings continues with volunteer labor.
Much has happened at the Museum since the early days, including restoring and operating Rotary and Shingle Mills, a steam Lombard loghauler and a belt-driven Machine Shop. New structures to house these artifacts of days gone by have allowed volunteers to share machinery that is part of Maine’s woods-related heritage. The 1900s saw many small businesses in Maine flourish producing wood products. Sponsorship provides needed materials to allow volunteers to continue salvaging rapidly disappearing artifacts and do what the Museum does best–get the items in working order.
Action really makes an impression on kids–the Lombard log hauler steaming around the grounds with whistle blowing, the water pouring over the waterwheel, the ring of metal on metal in the Blacksmith Shop. When school groups come for tours or families come for events, there is a great opportunity to excite them about history. Our hands-on, in-action way of doing things is a rare way to learn about the work that built Maine.
We start each new year with plans to improve and expand. We want to be ready to celebrate by sharing even more of our artifacts, by increasing our offerings to schools and the public, and by building more great memories. So many children are excited to see the place their parents came as children, or their class comes for a tour and they bring back the whole family. We need to have a sound financial base to offer a great experience to the next generation. Your support provides the opportunity to share Maine forest products history in a unique way in a truly beautiful setting.